RN-Stavropolneftegaz, LLC

Russia, Neftekumsk, 356884, 50 Let Pioneerii St, 5
+7 (655) 82-20-54
ООО "РН-Ставропольнефтегаз"

RN-Stavropolneftegaz, LLC

LLC RN-Stavropolneftegaz is a subsidiary of Rosneft, which operates in three districts of the Stavropol Territory: Neftekumsk, Levokumsk and Budennovsk.

The first oil in the Stavropol region was produced in 1953 when testing sandstone at the depth of 3312 meters in the well #1 of Ozek-Suat field, the average daily flow rate was 155 tons. 

Oil brought new life to the east of Stavropol. Thanks to black gold, the infrastructure began to develop rapidly, first the oilmen's working village of Zaterechny, and then the city of Neftekumsk was laid.

Stavropolneftegaz was founded in 1955.

The company operates in three districts: Neftekumsky, Levokumsky and Budennovsky.

Over the entire history of the Company's operations, RN-Stavropolneftegaz produced:

  • more than 170 million tons of oil and gas condensate,

  • about 5 billion cubic meters of gas.

Currently, 25 oil and oil and gas fields and 2 oil and gas condensate fields are under development.

Environmental protection is an integral part of the corporate culture and social policy of Rosneft Oil Company and its subsidiaries. Ensuring industrial safety, labor and environmental protection is a priority task for enterprises in all areas of activity.

LLC RN-Stavropolneftegaz, one of the largest taxpayers in the region, fulfils all obligations on tax transfer, ensuring the filling of the revenue part of the consolidated budget of the Stavropol Territory. In 2018, the Company transferred about 90 million roubles to the territorial budget of the Stavropol Territory.

The youth policy of LLC RN-Stavropolneftegaz is implemented through the corporate system of continuous education School - University - Enterprise.

Future oilmen have an opportunity to start their careers from the school bench, studying at the Rosneft Classes. To date, 4 specialized Rosneft Classes of two general education schools in Neftekumsk and the village. More than 90 students study in the Levokumsky district.

The Neftekumsk Regional Polytechnic College provides training in the main professions required for oil production.

Working with specialized universities allows the Company to attract promising young specialists from among the best graduates with the level of training corresponding to the requirements of the Company's business. RN-Stavropolneftegaz supports and actively develops cooperation with the North Caucasus Federal University. To date, about 200 NCFU graduates work in the Company, of whom 22 were employed in 2018 alone.

The Company implements a set of specially organized events aimed at improving the professional and personal efficiency of young specialists: adaptation, mentoring, internships, development and identification of leadership potential, holding scientific and technical conferences, team building events, social support of young experts. An effective system of staff training and development has been established. The Company’s Employees are continuously involved in professional development, and a program for career development of the employees is in place.

As a city-forming enterprise, RN-Stavropolneftegaz always heeds the tasks and urgent needs of the regions of its presence. Every year, a number of charity projects are implemented in the Neftekumsk urban district and the Levokumsk municipal district of Stavropol Krai.

As of 2000, within the framework of Rosneft's unified corporate pension program, a system of non-state pension provision for the retirees of LLC RN-Stavropolneftegaz has been implemented. The recipients of the corporate pension today include more than 2 thousand former employees of the Company. 

ООО "РН-Ставропольнефтегаз"
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